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How your life can change when you Heal your Birth Wounds.

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When you heal trauma your freedom is restored.

When you heal trauma your freedom is restored.

Few people think about the fact that they even existed before birth, but actually we existed from the time of ’embodying’ in the physical realms. The earliest identity that we have as a human being was at the point of conception when all the genetic material is assembled ready for us to grow into who we are now. But in fact, it is my personal experience that we have memory of embodying right back at the stage of being the egg and the sperm. As we came into embodiment and began to experience life in the earth realm, we began to experience shock and trauma. Trauma results from a life threatening or perceived life threatening event. Right from the egg and sperm stage we go through some intensely challenging experiences and the liklihood is that we are not going to survive them. If we have survived and got all the way to the stage of being born, then we already have a lot of shock in our systems.

My life changed from the time that I first became conscious of this through my own personal research. I had a very intense ‘implantation memory’ which explained a lot of things to me. Since that time I have dedicated myself to learning more and now I run these workshops.

Patsy’s Testimonial:

Patsy Steele was one of the participants in one of the Pre natal Workshops and she had a really powerful experience also which has brought her new consciousness about her life.

If you would like to book on any of our Healing Birth Wounds workshops, you can find them here. WORKSHOPS

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