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Do you have ACES? I have 8.

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I was very inspired to come across this. How many ACES do you have? I have 8. But thanks to a lot of help and support from friends, I have got through to where I am today. If we can all become ACE aware, life will begin to change on this planet. It was Bessel van der Kolk that steered this research to bring awareness to the suffering of children and how childhood development trauma led to the later suffering and dysfunction of adults and the ultimate breakdown of society and then to planetary destruction. We need to change the tide and move towards healing and wholeness. Understanding how we have suffered and what we can do to heal it is pivotal to transforming the current planetary crisis that we are in. Please take time to listen and share this very inspiring and moving sermon. You don’t have to be a christian to benefit from it.


Love Juliet xx

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